- /* Calculate a set of areas (center + 8) that are able to cover a range query
- * for the specified position and shape (see geohash.h GeoShape).
- * the bounding box saved in shaple.bounds */
- GeoHashRadius geohashCalculateAreasByShapeWGS84(GeoShape *shape) {
- GeoHashRange long_range, lat_range;
- GeoHashRadius radius;
- GeoHashBits hash;
- GeoHashNeighbors neighbors;
- GeoHashArea area;
- double min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat;
- int steps;
- geohashBoundingBox(shape, shape->bounds);
- min_lon = shape->bounds[0];
- min_lat = shape->bounds[1];
- max_lon = shape->bounds[2];
- max_lat = shape->bounds[3];
- double longitude = shape->xy[0];
- double latitude = shape->xy[1];
- /* radius_meters is calculated differently in different search types:
- * 1) CIRCULAR_TYPE, just use radius.
- * 2) RECTANGLE_TYPE, we use sqrt((widthhttps://files.jxasp.com/image/2)^2 + (heighthttps://files.jxasp.com/image/2)^2) to
- * calculate the distance from the center point to the corner */
- double radius_meters = shape->type == CIRCULAR_TYPE ? shape->t.radius :
- sqrt((shape->t.r.width/2)*(shape->t.r.width/2) + (shape->t.r.height/2)*(shape->t.r.height/2));
- radius_meters *= shape->conversion;
- steps = geohashEstimateStepsByRadius(radius_meters,latitude);
- geohashGetCoordRange(&long_range,&lat_range);
- geohashEncode(&long_range,&lat_range,longitude,latitude,steps,&hash);
- geohashNeighbors(&hash,&neighbors);
- geohashDecode(long_range,lat_range,hash,&area);
- /* Check if the step is enough at the limits of the covered area.
- * Sometimes when the search area is near an edge of the
- * area, the estimated step is not small enough, since one of the
- * north / south / west / east square is too near to the search area
- * to cover everything. */
- int decrease_step = 0;
- {
- GeoHashArea north, south, east, west;
- geohashDecode(long_range, lat_range, neighbors.north, &north);
- geohashDecode(long_range, lat_range, neighbors.south, &south);
- geohashDecode(long_range, lat_range, neighbors.east, &east);
- geohashDecode(long_range, lat_range, neighbors.west, &west);
- if (geohashGetDistance(longitude,latitude,longitude,north.latitude.max)
- < radius_meters) decrease_step = 1;
- if (geohashGetDistance(longitude,latitude,longitude,south.latitude.min)
- < radius_meters) decrease_step = 1;
- if (geohashGetDistance(longitude,latitude,east.longitude.max,latitude)
- < radius_meters) decrease_step = 1;
- if (geohashGetDistance(longitude,latitude,west.longitude.min,latitude)
- < radius_meters) decrease_step = 1;
- }
- if (steps > 1 && decrease_step) {
- steps--;
- geohashEncode(&long_range,&lat_range,longitude,latitude,steps,&hash);
- geohashNeighbors(&hash,&neighbors);
- geohashDecode(long_range,lat_range,hash,&area);
- }
- /* Exclude the search areas that are useless. */
- if (steps >= 2) {
- if (area.latitude.min < min_lat) {
- GZERO(neighbors.south);
- GZERO(neighbors.south_west);
- GZERO(neighbors.south_east);
- }
- if (area.latitude.max > max_lat) {
- GZERO(neighbors.north);
- GZERO(neighbors.north_east);
- GZERO(neighbors.north_west);
- }
- if (area.longitude.min < min_lon) {
- GZERO(neighbors.west);
- GZERO(neighbors.south_west);
- GZERO(neighbors.north_west);
- }
- if (area.longitude.max > max_lon) {
- GZERO(neighbors.east);
- GZERO(neighbors.south_east);
- GZERO(neighbors.north_east);
- }
- }
- radius.hash = hash;
- radius.neighbors = neighbors;
- radius.area = area;
- return radius;
- }
- GeoHashFix52Bits geohashAlign52Bits(const GeoHashBits hash) {
- uint64_t bits = hash.bits;
- bits <<= (52 - hash.step * 2);
- return bits;
- }
- /* Calculate distance using haversin great circle distance formula. */
- double geohashGetDistance(double lon1d, double lat1d, double lon2d, double lat2d) {
- double lat1r, lon1r, lat2r, lon2r, u, v;
- lat1r = deg_rad(lat1d);
- lon1r = deg_rad(lon1d);
- lat2r = deg_rad(lat2d);
- lon2r = deg_rad(lon2d);
- u = sin((lat2r - lat1r) / 2);
- v = sin((lon2r - lon1r) / 2);
- return 2.0 * EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS *
- asin(sqrt(u * u + cos(lat1r) * cos(lat2r) * v * v));
- }
- int geohashGetDistanceIfInRadius(double x1, double y1,
- double x2, double y2, double radius,
- double *distance) {
- *distance = geohashGetDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
- if (*distance > radius) return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- int geohashGetDistanceIfInRadiusWGS84(double x1, double y1, double x2,
- double y2, double radius,
- double *distance) {
- return geohashGetDistanceIfInRadius(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius, distance);
- }
- /* Judge whether a point is in the axis-aligned rectangle, when the distance
- * between a searched point and the center point is less than or equal to
- * heighthttps://files.jxasp.com/image/2 or widthhttps://files.jxasp.com/image/2 in height and width, the point is in the rectangle.
- *
- * width_m, height_m: the rectangle
- * x1, y1 : the center of the box
- * x2, y2 : the point to be searched
- */
- int geohashGetDistanceIfInRectangle(double width_m, double height_m, double x1, double y1,
- double x2, double y2, double *distance) {
- double lon_distance = geohashGetDistance(x2, y2, x1, y2);
- double lat_distance = geohashGetDistance(x2, y2, x2, y1);
- if (lon_distance > width_m/2 || lat_distance > height_m/2) {
- return 0;
- }
- *distance = geohashGetDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
- return 1;
- }