这行的意思确实没看太明白为啥这样:group_inserted == 1 && consumer_inserted == 0
- if (!(flags & STREAM_RWR_RAWENTRIES))
- arraylen_ptr = addReplyDeferredLen(c);
- streamIteratorStart(&si,s,start,end,rev);
- while(streamIteratorGetID(&si,&id,&numfields)) {
- /* Update the group last_id if needed. */
- if (group && streamCompareID(&id,&group->last_id) > 0) {
- group->last_id = id;
- /* Group last ID should be propagated only if NOACK was
- * specified, otherwise the last id will be included
- * in the propagation of XCLAIM itself. */
- if (noack) propagate_last_id = 1;
- }
- /* Emit a two elements array for each item. The first is
- * the ID, the second is an array of field-value pairs. */
- addReplyArrayLen(c,2);
- addReplyStreamID(c,&id);
- addReplyArrayLen(c,numfields*2);
- /* Emit the field-value pairs. */
- while(numfields--) {
- unsigned char *key, *value;
- int64_t key_len, value_len;
- streamIteratorGetField(&si,&key,&value,&key_len,&value_len);
- addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,key,key_len);
- addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,value,value_len);
- }
- /* If a group is passed, we need to create an entry in the
- * PEL (pending entries list) of this group *and* this consumer.
- *
- * Note that we cannot be sure about the fact the message is not
- * already owned by another consumer, because the admin is able
- * to change the consumer group last delivered ID using the
- * XGROUP SETID command. So if we find that there is already
- * a NACK for the entry, we need to associate it to the new
- * consumer. */
- if (group && !noack) {
- unsigned char buf[sizeof(streamID)];
- streamEncodeID(buf,&id);
- /* Try to add a new NACK. Most of the time this will work and
- * will not require extra lookups. We'll fix the problem later
- * if we find that there is already a entry for this ID. */
- streamNACK *nack = streamCreateNACK(consumer);
- int group_inserted =
- raxTryInsert(group->pel,buf,sizeof(buf),nack,NULL);
- int consumer_inserted =
- raxTryInsert(consumer->pel,buf,sizeof(buf),nack,NULL);
- /* Now we can check if the entry was already busy, and
- * in that case reassign the entry to the new consumer,
- * or update it if the consumer is the same as before. */
- if (group_inserted == 0) {
- streamFreeNACK(nack);
- nack = raxFind(group->pel,buf,sizeof(buf));
- serverAssert(nack != raxNotFound);
- raxRemove(nack->consumer->pel,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL);
- /* Update the consumer and NACK metadata. */
- nack->consumer = consumer;
- nack->delivery_time = mstime();
- nack->delivery_count = 1;
- /* Add the entry in the new consumer local PEL. */
- raxInsert(consumer->pel,buf,sizeof(buf),nack,NULL);
- } else if (group_inserted == 1 && consumer_inserted == 0) {
- serverPanic("NACK half-created. Should not be possible.");
- }
- /* Propagate as XCLAIM. */
- if (spi) {
- robj *idarg = createObjectFromStreamID(&id);
- streamPropagateXCLAIM(c,spi->keyname,group,spi->groupname,idarg,nack);
- decrRefCount(idarg);
- }
- }
- arraylen++;
- if (count && count == arraylen) break;
- }
- if (spi && propagate_last_id)
- streamPropagateGroupID(c,spi->keyname,group,spi->groupname);
- streamIteratorStop(&si);
- if (arraylen_ptr) setDeferredArrayLen(c,arraylen_ptr,arraylen);
- return arraylen;
- }